Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Herbal Remedies for Bad Breath

Our noses tend to filter out the background odors of our body. So a person could have bad breath, yet not be aware of it.
Most of the reasons why bad breath occurs is because of the bacteria that live in the coating of the tongue.

Herbal, Natural and Home Remedies for Bad Breath

• Cardamom and parsley can be chewed in leaf form in order to eliminate bad breath. Parsley neutralizes acid, while cardamom kills the bacteria that cause bad breath.
• Brush your tongue along with your teeth regularly.It should be around 4 min. every time you brush.
• Brush and floss teeth regularly.
• Rinse your mouth before sleeping with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon added.
• One soup spoon of sunflower oil in the morning.Swish it around in the mouth for 30 to 60 seconds and then spit it out. The oil SHOULD NOT be swallowed. It is not harmful if small amounts are accidentally swallowed.The oil will become thick dark white cream. This will clean your mouth of all the bacteria and it will clean your body from toxic.
• Drink plenty of water.
Here are some useful natural medicine that i have collected for you.

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